Dice Roller
Seven-segment LED digital dice roller
- Constructed digital dice roller using 74LS193 4-bit counter and 7-segment LED display, powered by a pulse generator (see laptop display)
- Implemented binary detection logic using AND/NAND gates for number sequence control (1-6)
- Workflow including strategic component layout, incremental subsystem testing, and sequence verification to ensure reliable operation of complex digital assembly

QSIB Fetoscopic Sensor
The fetoscopic sensor seeks to minimize risk and provide better vital readings during fetal surgery.
- Assisted in development for postdoctoral fellow in Rogers Research Group to test in biweekly lab trials
- Micro-soldered components and Bluetooth chips to fabricate 4+ printed circuit boards a week
- Tested probes to measure irradiance, temperature, and perfusion index and verify performance of the sensors

Automatic Plant Waterer
Maintains consistent water level in hydroponic plants like bamboo and cilantro
- Designed and constructed simple feedback loop with water sensor input and pump toggle output
- Employed NPN transistor to amplify current from Raspberry Pi to meet pump requirements, eliminating need for second power source
- CAD and 3D printed frame to house pump and tube, and accommodate range of plant containers
Robotics Foosball Goalie