Mass Manufactured Toy
Injection molded, multipart plastic bean
- Led end-to-end development of injection molded design, including CAD modeling with draft considerations, uniform wall thickness analysis, and interference fit calculations
- Programmed CNC machining operations with proper tool paths and cutting strategies; achieved tolerance of ±0.005" on critical features and optimal surface finish
- Manufactured injection molds with proper runner systems, gates, and parting lines to manage material flow and cooling to eliminate sink marks and flash

CNC Spindle Bracket
Custom bracket to improve tabletop CNC spindle stability
- FEA to evaluate structural performance of bracket designs under 100N loads, accurately modeling deflection in multiple axes and identifying critical stress concentrations
- Iterated through multiple design versions based on FEA results and physical testing, strategically reducing material and implementing support structures to optimize weight while maintaining deflection under 2mm
- Developed I-beam inspired final design to optimize for weight and strength, achieving 60% reduction in predicted deflection

CAD Gallery